As a pet parent, you are solely responsible for the health and well-being of your furry friend. Thus, you should ensure you feed them the right food and keep watching to ascertain they don’t eat harmful foods or substances that negatively impact their wellness. You might assume that since certain foods are healthy for you, the same goes for your furry friend. However, this is highly discouraged since a pet’s digestive system differs from yours. Eating these foods might lead to vomiting, diarrhea and more severe complications like pancreatitis. Read on to be sure you are educated on what food to never give your pup.

Yeast Dough

Raw bread dough poses biochemical hazards when swallowed by pets. Before baking, you expect the dough to rise. That, too, happens in the pup’s stomach when consumed. As it swells, it strains the pet’s abdomen causing pain. In addition, it causes digestive problems, including bloating. With time, it ferments, thus causing food poisoning in your dog. Keep this in mind as you start your holiday baking this year.


Your pet shouldn’t depend on citrus purely as there are numerous fruits they can eat. Some incredible examples include bananas and strawberries. They are less acidic and have several health benefits. Citrus fruits, especially lemons, contain essential oils that harm dogs. The poison is more concentrated in the fruit, while the roots contain a small quantity. After ingesting lemon, your pet might suffer symptoms like diarrhea. In some circumstances, they become more sensitive to light. Large quantities cause more distress, although this is uncommon because furies don’t find the fruit pleasant. Book an appointment with your veterinarian if you suspect your pup has swallowed a lemon.

Macadamia Nuts

These are among the major human foods you should avoid giving your furry pal, although they are associated with non-fatal symptoms. The warning signs of macadamia toxicity include body weaknesses, depression and muscle tremors. Your pup may also experience a higher-than-average body temperature. Some cases are mild, where your furry friend expresses minor symptoms that resolve in a few days. The severe cases involve shaking and the inability to walk. It will help to inform an expert immediately if you notice the signs of ingestion. Vets will induce vomiting to prevent further absorption in the stomach. In addition, they give medication to reduce fever and make your dog more comfortable.


Chocolate contains toxic substances known as theobromine. It functions like caffeine by increasing the heartbeat, leading to more severe issues like a heart attack. In addition, it has diuretic effects that cause dehydration. Bitter chocolates are more poisonous than white ones; however, both pose health problems for your pup. Don’t feed your pet either of them, even if they aren’t bitter. Signs of ingestion include excessive thirst and urination. Additionally, you might notice restlessness and seizures, which in serious cases can cause death without proper treatment. Take your dog to a professional for further diagnosis and treatment if they get a hold of chocolate.

Raw Eggs

Feeding raw eggs to your pup has no nutritional benefit. Instead, it increases their susceptibility to diseases since the eggs contain harmful microorganisms. For instance, they contain Salmonella bacteria that cause infection. The bacterial infection is characterized by vomiting and diarrhea. Also, excessive consumption of raw eggs causes biotin deficiency. The condition causes itchiness on the dog’s coat, consequently leading to skin damage. For health benefits, consider feeding your pup cooked eggs. Whether scrambled or boiled, they are a good protein source for your puppy and can even help settle the dog’s stomach upsets. Also, feed them in moderation because too much consumption causes obesity.

Artificial Sweetener

Xylitol is a commonly used sweetening product. It is primarily used commercially to manufacture candy, chewing gums and baked products. Although this substance is well tolerated in humans, it is hazardous to your furry. When consumed in low quantities, it causes hypoglycemia, a condition in which the dog’s sugar level reduces than usual. If the pet feeds on large amounts, it may suffer liver failure. The signs of Xylitol poisoning include lack of coordination when walking or standing, general body weakness and tremors. In extreme circumstances, it causes seizures. Immediately after your pup ingests this substance, inform your vet. 

Salt and Salty Snack Foods

When a dog consumes too much salt, it experiences excessive urination, which leads to dehydration. In addition, salt contains sodium which is poisonous to dogs. Most pet owners use salt to induce vomiting in their pups; however, it is no longer recommended by professionals. Too much salt causes the pet’s muscles to lose moisture, shrivel and become stiff. As a result, the pup starts to shake or jerk. The severe consequences are neurological, characterized by convulsions, coma or even death. Although salt poisoning is fatal, it can be treated when identified earlier. Ensure the dog stays hydrated to get rid of the excess salt.


Dogs can drink milk from their mothers; however, milk from other sources can make them sick. It contains certain sugars and fats that pets don’t have the enzymes to digest. This means they are slightly lactose intolerant, although they can handle other dairy products like plain yogurt and cheese. Other pets have an adverse reaction to all diaries. Depending on the degree of lactose intolerance, the dog experiences severe to mild symptoms. Common symptoms include loose stool and abdominal pain. An occasional milk lap may not harm your pup; however, try to avoid all dairy products as much as possible. If they have to take any of them, ensure it’s in moderation to avoid gastrointestinal upsets.


It’s a crystalline compound found in coffee and tea. It is also an added ingredient in several food products and medications to stimulate the central nervous system. Caffeine adversely affects people and dogs; however, pups are more sensitive. Ingestion in huge quantities causes death in pups. After swallowing the substance, it takes a few minutes to reach peak concentrations in the bloodstream, and signs of toxicity begin to show. Although the intensity of the effects varies depending on the dog variety, the most common signs include hyperactivity, restlessness and panting. The pup may also experience elevated blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.

Mistakes happen and your dog might get into an item listed from time to time. It is important you understand the food to be extra cautious about and how you should react if a mistake happens to you. With holidays coming up, we want to remind you that although you might be tempted to give your pup the extra table scraps, please think twice before doing it as it might lead to their demise. Call a veterinarian immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested the above foods. Most importantly, ensure you source your pet’s food and treats are from a certified pet store like BlackPaw in Louisville Colorado. 
